Tuesday, January 22, 2008


You see it all over the TV, all over the internet: Heath Ledger dead at 28 years of age. Some say suicide. Others say it was an accident. Whatever it was, Ledger was found dead today in New York. Sometimes I begin to think that celebrities are untouchable, invincable. Like nothing could ever happen to them because...well...they're celebrities. But if you think about it, that's really a silly way to look at it. We are all human, vulnerable and tempted to sin. Everyone dies eventually, and Hollywood is no exception. Sadly, I doubt that Heath was a follower of Christ. He left behind a young daughter named Matilda. It just goes to show us that each life hangs by a thread, and whether you are an Oscar nomanee or not, none of us knows if we will take our next breath.

Heath Ledger

April 4, 1979---January 22, 2008

1 comment:

saved monster said...

Yes. This is true. And very sad.