Friday, July 24, 2009

Friends, Part One

Greetings, all!

I have been thinking lately. Summer is nearly over, and I've had a great and busy one. It has been consumed with swords, teaching sword camps, plays, and many other things. But during the course of all this, two things have struck me, so strongly that I've almost been overwhelmed by happiness....and moved to tears.

Over this summer, I have been given the honor of getting to know some of the best people. They have been in my swords class for a long time, but since I have been a 'nube' as they call the beginners, for the longest time I didn't really get to know them. But as I got older and spent more time with them, I have discovered a gold mine of friends...some of which are two, three, or four years older than me!

Using first names only for privacy sake, I will attempt to tell you about them.

Kristen is my age, deathly quiet, but dedicated to what she loves. She and I are quite similar, and get along well. She loves horses with a passion. When I need a level conversation, I know I can talk to her.

Jesse is two years older than me. He's a hoot!! lol That boy cracks me up! He's hardly ever in a down mood, and an overall goofball, but that's why we love him. He loves the guitar, and he even plays with us sometimes. Definitely an encourager, Jesse's the one to go to if you want to laugh.

Jonathan is a year younger than me, but a good foot taller. Very quiet until you get to know him, he was a bit of mystery to me until lately. He has the most random but hilarious sense of humor. He'll look you straight in the eyes and ask you, "Why did you beat that old lady with a turkey drumstick?" His evil laugh is legendary, and he wants to be a sniper one day.

Jordan is three years older than me. He has the most infectious laugh! He has a sarcastic, slapstick sense of humor that is equally as funny as his brother, Jonathan's. He is often seen with a camera of some sort, snapping away. Or, if not that, he's filming something!

Jared is a year older than me. He is stylish, outgoing, and really gets the way girls think (having a sister). Everyone knows or has heard of him. The king of expressions, he is one to make you laugh, but Jared is also definitely one that will give you a hug when you're down. He is a very 'one way' sort of guy. Either he's happy and you know it, or he's not and you know it. He's really a great friend.

Ben is Jared's older brother. He is four years older than me, and if I were to describe him, a certain word would stick out in my mind: sword. He is a great swordsman, and eats, sleeps, and breathes the blade, I think. He is very similar to me as far as personality goes: more reserved, not into outlandishness and pretty content with life as it is. Oh, and did I mention his fighting style, stance, and hair is similar to a certain...*coughs* Anakin Skywalker *coughs*.....? ;)

Laura is Ben and Jared's younger sister. She's 5 or 6 years younger than me, but I love her to death. A good mixture of both of her brothers, she is perky, friendly, and loves all of her 'sisters' as she calls us girls at swords. Very appreciative of time spent with her, she is a considerate sweety pie.

Owen is two years older than me. He is something else (in a good way)! He put the slap in slapstick comedy. Very polite and respectful, Owen is always smiling and friendly...not to mention a very good Jedi/Elven fight builder! Erin go Bragh! (Or, something like that)

Leah is Owen's older sister. She is four years older than me, and a very motherly soul. She takes us girls under her wing, and if something is bothering us, she will be the first to come alongside you and talk. An accomplished actress with a bright, big smile, Leah will always be there for you.

Kevin is 2 or 3 years older than me, I believe. He and Owen can be heard shouting "Ireland forever!" and singing Celtic folk tunes together quite often. A giver of 'advice' (mainly teasing), he has a very keen eye for what you're feeling (he has a sister too). Kevin has a definite opinion, and he loves a good, clean, all-in-fun argument.

Catherine is a year younger than me, I think. She has lovely raven black hair. She and her brother Kevin love to tell a good story or two. But the thing that really says all about her is her laugh. She has a LAUGH! lol You could pick her out in a dark room by her laugh.

There are so many others, and to write about each and every one of them would take a lifetime! But as you can see, they are quite the group, and I am very glad to know such a God-driven group of young people!

Part 2 will be coming shortly.


Ian said...

"He eats, sleeps, and breathes the sword..."

That must really hurt. :P

It's great that you've fond so many awesome friends. Good friends seem fairly hard to come by nowadays.


David said...

Fine information, many thanks to the author. It site is puzzling to me now, but in general, the usefulness and importance is overwhelming:))