Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pirates and Grace

Well, I'm excited! Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is coming out on December 4th! I am counting the days! I will be having some friends over to watch it so that we can cry together about the fate of Will and Norrington and laugh and gawk at Jack's cleverness. It'll be a hoot! Anywho....Today I read in Exodus about the laws God set down for the Isrealites against murder, theft, etc. A lot of people these days would be in huge trouble if we had the same laws! I thank my Lord for grace...that even when I do something wrong, I can come back to HIM and know that he will pick me up off the ground and set me straight. I know that doesn't mean that I can do whatever I want and then say, "Oh yeah, sorry God but you'll forgive me anyway," and continue my wrong. He wants us to be happy to serve HIM. Remember to thank HIM for HIS grace!

Just a thought from ***Flinn-fan-of-the-Twins***
(The Twins being Nock&Bolt of course!)

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