Monday, February 2, 2009

The Princess and the Kiss and The Squire and the Scroll

I'm in a play!!!

It's entitled the above, and it's a message of purity for all ages. This play is going to be amazing, probably the biggest I've worked on yet, and it's all for the glory of God! I am so stoked. I shall play Princess Alexandra, and I get to marry The Squire (which, in fact, is rather awkward, but you know). The play is based off of the books by Jenny Bishop, and it has everything! From romance, singing, and dancing to swordfighting, dragons, and rapping knights doing acrobatics! lol

This is sure to be an amazing play, but more importantly, an amazing message. Pray that our play stirs the hearts and minds of the young people and parents of young people who see it.


Shelby said...

Oh, I love that book!! It has such a great message.

Araken said...

That sounds like it's going to be an awesome play! Can you post video clips of it afterward? Please?!? I've never seen a knight do rap!

I remember you posting about this earlier. Sounds like it has a great message!

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Oh, yes it does!

I have recorded them doing the rap's rather entertaining. Perhaps I shall post it once they've got it down a little better.

Shelby said...

That would be awesome! I love that book, and it would be so cool to see it in play form.

IdinaTook said...

It's getting stressful!!! It'll be sooo much fin, though!!! do amazing every night!!!

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Thanks, love. So do you!

Hannah Nicole said...

Oh! I really like that book! How lucky for you to be in a play about that! :D
