Tuesday, October 19, 2010


For a spell anyway! Hello my dear, dear friends! As you can see, I've grown up a bit! Well, not much, but time has flown! I have started college, am on a job search, am no longer in a relationship... :( ...and have expanded my horizons.

Just a little. ;)

So much has changed for me. I went to Kenya a few weeks back and what a remarkable experience that was! I miss it, honestly. Everyone cares about each other, and the people are so teachable. They don't have to worry about how they look or what they do...they put on what they can and do whatever is presented to them. They are so humble. <3s to Kenya. A part of my heart was left there...

At any rate, this is just a short hello! How has life been, you guys?


Araken said...

FLINN! It's good to hear from you!

You've grown up a little? No way, me too!

~Just*Flinn~ said...

lol ;D Funny how that works! :D

fender said...

Where have you been all this time. Glad to know you're back.
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