Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well, school has officially begun!!! And I'm am not that thrilled, but hey. I'd rather be bored than stupid. So, it's off to Algebra, Biology, and all that other 'good' stuff for this little Elfling wannabe.

Over the course of this summer, I have been working on two fan fiction stories...a sad twist to Narnia...and Legolas being stuck in a dark cave with a large colony of Dwarves for an entire winter!!! That last one should get..interesting. :D

So, tell me, how's school?

Just a thought.


Paris said...

I'm homeschooled this year, *cheer*, but I'm SO slow with Algebra 1! Can't wait till it's over :P

Araken said...

Ha! I have Chemistry VT, Pre-Calculus VT, AP European History, English VT, and Latin 2! Not to mention the rest of my classes...


Right now I'm feeling for Legolas. One dwarf is hectic enough, but wow! A whole colony?

What's the twist to Narnia?

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Peter is...well...slightly not...well...You'll see eventually!!!

~Just*Flinn~ said...

I'm afraid to say!

Ian said...

I actually like school now...I have most classes with friends, except for two...which happen to be the ones I have all year. But one of them is English Pre AP, which is fine because the other people in the class are awesome, even though I don't know them really well, though I've had Englihs with most of them for three years in a row now....

I also have Math Pre AP. It's a good thing I have friends in that class! :)

The only class I'm sad about is PE...

Araken, what's VT?


Camden said...

Lol Flinn, I remember some of the underground adventures with Legolas! School is pretty good for me, with a pre-calc class, a chemistry class, and many others.

Oh, and this year I get to assistant teach two Sign Language classes while taking Sign 3!


P.S. Make sure Legolas doesn't forget his nightlight!!!