Sunday, May 4, 2008

Poor Harry

So, I finally saw the third Spidy and it did not end how I wanted it to. Bummer about Harry! Bummer for M.J. and Peter too. It has to be my favorite out of all of them though. And for those of you interested Narniaweb has two full scenes from Prince Caspian for your pleasure!

Just a thought,



Sapphira Adi said...

Errrmmmm. . . . . . . . . What?


~Just*Flinn~ said...

Spider-man 3.

Sapphira Adi said...

Oh, right. So how was the movie? I don't watch Spiderman.


saved monster said...

To add to the Prince Caspian bit, I saw a fight scene from the movie this morning! The fight was much better than any of the stuff in The Lion the Witch and the Wadrobe. It was between Peter and Caspian. :( Stupid script writers not keeping to book...cultural expectations...mutter...mutter...

~Just*Flinn~ said...

He gave Caspian a bloody lip! Ha ha!