Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

Well, it's Christmas Eve and I am excited. First off, we saw National Treasure 2 recently and I loved it! My fave is Riley. He's too funny! Tonight we watched Ratatooie (I know, I can't spell) and The Santa Claus. Those are both cool. But tonight is not only about re-watching the classics on TV or awaiting Christmas presents tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is Christ's birthday! It's a celebration of HIS humble beginning on this earth. I suggest watching The Nativity tonight. Also, read the first couple chapters of Luke. It'll get you in the true spirit of things.


Anonymous said...

Love National Treasure& can't wait to see the second one.
Merry Christmas.

where your opinion counts

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Hmm. Interesting. Might have to go there sometime.