Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Very Merry Christmas

Well, it's the day after Christmas and you are probably still picking up wrapping paper off the floor. I had a good one this grandfather who had been an invalid for months has been getting around in a wheel chair all be himself and he came and watched us open presents! It was great. I think it's amazing how God works. There have been several, no, tons of times when we thought he wasn't going to make it through the night. We never thought at the beginning of his illness he would see Christmas...and we never thought it would be my grandmother, who had been taking care of him, who wouldn't. My grandfather is getting stronger by the day. It's really neat to watch him! Every time I see him he looks better. It's amazing. Another amazing thing is that my grandfather has said that he had accepted Christ for years, but his actions didn't show it. Then, on one of those times when he wasn't doing so well, he prayed to have Christ be his LORD. He has been a new man since. I'm thankful to God for all these trials I've had to go through, because it brought me closer to my grandparents, and it brought them closer to God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's cool!
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