Friday, April 11, 2008

Newer Prince Caspian Pics!

I am SO stoked about this upcoming movie! And it looks like they are keeping one thing that I really wanted them to pull from the book. Aslan getting bigger as the children get older. So without further ado...


Ian said...

They're keeping that? Oh, good!

Want to see movie....


Paris said...

I'm excited about the movie to! LWW was really good, but I've seen it too many times.

Araken said...

Goody goody gumdrops! I am hyped!

saved monster said...

Awwww...they are getting older, but they still seem cute, like they are young, which I guess they are trying to give the appearance of. :)
Though, I must say the Lucy character looks like she knows something devishly funny! lol

saved monster said...

I mean 'delvilshily funny.' looks like I need to work an my typing!

Sapphira Adi said...

I cannot wait for the movie!!!!!! Awesome pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course, being the critic that I am I will probably bring the book Prince Caspian and a flash light, notebook and pencil to the theater and write down everything they do differently or misquote, ect..

Ok, maybe not. =) lol

Camden said...

Sweet pics, Flinn! I told my pastor how everyone was supposed to go to the midnight showing. He called over to his wife, asking if he had anything on the calendar for midnight on the 15th. Thankfully, he did not : )


~Just*Flinn~ said...

My swordsclass usually goes in costume and has a line party...or in other words, at the class before the movie we build fights, and perform them in front of the theater while waiting for the film! They did that with Star Wars, Narnia, Lord of the Rings, etc. I know it's the ultimate in nerdy, but hey! It's sure to be fun!

Zoe said...

I can't wait to see the movie!