Saturday, April 5, 2008


Ok, I'm taking a break from the story (I can hear you guys cheering through the screen) to talk about a SAGE girls conference I went to this weekend. The leaders were so on fire for God, the topics hit home, and the worship...aah. It was amazing. Imagine yourself in this huge church building, the lights are dimmed. It's around 9 at night, and the sound of about a thousand female voices are raised in songs of praise to the King. I found myself on my knees, tears streaming. I felt HIS presence all around me, and felt HIS power in the pulsing beat if the drums. I felt utterly wicked before HIM, and utterly blessed. I was so happy afterwards; a burden that I didn't know was there was lifted off my shoulders. It was amazing.

Just a thought.


Ian said...

I felt the same way at RUSH a few weeks ago. That's where I first actually realized that God existed - I had always believed it, or thought I did, but actually realising, thinking and knowing that God exists - that HE's's sort of hard to describe. Sort of like thinking about someone on the other side of the world - you know that they are there, but when you realize that they are actually still there and doing things when you aren't thinking about them...still, it's really hard to explain. But when you do realize that God exists, you really start to feel His presence a lot.

You know, it almost seems to take energy to realize it all...I couldn't willfully get back into the mindset until a few weeks later.


~Just*Flinn~ said...

It was awesome! I felt like there was no one else there but me and God, plus the sound of a thousand voices. It felt so surreal know in the song "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" when it says; "Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of Earth will grow strangely dim, In the Light of His glory and grace" ? Well, that's just what it was like. I had closed my eyes, and felt His presence all around me, and when I opened my eyes again, everything seemed so dull in comparison. I felt like (this might sound weird) if someone came in here and demanded that I either reject Christ or die, I would have replied, "Pull that trigger, brother! I'm going home!"

Ian said...

In moments like that, I almost want something like that to happen, to have a chance to fearlessly stand up for God...I mean, you build up so much spiritual energy, and how could you possibly feel afraid in times like that??? I look forward to a day when I can stand beside other Christians and fearlessly stand up for the Lord, no matter how hopelessly. Even to death. That, would be awesome.


Camden said...

When I think about dying for my faith, it seems a little scary, like something I wouldn't want to do. Then I get reassured. Whether it's hearing a song that really hits home, going to a conferance that touches your heart, reading a passage in your Bible, or reading a blog post, it's a great reassurance to know that what we trust in is not just another god to add to the long list in world religions, but THE GOD, I AM, the one who really is there. The one thing that Christianity has that truly distinguishes it from other religions is this: God's presents. Buddism doesn't have it. Islam doesn't have it. Christianity does. God is there, and he is ever moving, ever loving, and ever God.


saved monster said...

That's awesome guys. I love experiencing this. Though, I find as I get older, that a deeper relationship with Christ involves the willful act of believing He exists when we are feeling terribly alone. But don't mind me.
I am just a cynical fool. :)

Anonymous said...

WOW, Awesome, guys! I totally know how y'all feel!
I've gotten like that too, where I almost want someone to charge in and demand that we either renouce Christ or die. I would get in his face and go "Then you'll have to kill me. I'm ready to go Home to my King, man."
I'm sometimes scared of dying, and at the same time I almost can't wait, because then I can truly begin living! Boy, just think what Heaven will be like...
A few days ago, it really just hit me that I really am going to heaven when I die. It just made me feel so awed and undeserving. God is AWESOME! Man, I can't wait to see Him face-to-face! What a day that'll be! Amen!!!


Ian said...

Wow...a couple months ago, it just hit me that I actually am going to die...sort of scary-ish. Not in a scary sort of way, just thinking of how much bigger it will all be (metaphorically, spriritually, etc.) Hopefully, that's a long way off for all of us.

Wouldn't it be awesome/great/hilarious/wierd if the rapture happend while all of us were on our blogs?


~Just*Flinn~ said...

Interesting thought!

Anonymous said...

That would be very interesting/weird/cool/hilarious!