Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Today in Flinn's World

Hello my friends!

Thanks for your comments. You guys rock!

The Door Within Forum is back online! WHOOT!!! Another whoot, I just finished reading the book of Numbers! I have been trying the read the whole Bible because I realized there are some books I've never looked into. So I will be starting on Deuteronomy tomorrow.

At this moment, I am reading on my spare time The Ranger's Apprentice: The Battle for Skandia, and Halt (for those of you who haven't read it, he's the teacher/master dude for Will, the apprentice) is in a very sticky situation right now. I hope he gets out of it soon and unharmed!

I saw the movie 10,000 B.C. last night. My opinion: don't waste your time or money. It's just OK, and there is a lot of ancestry/ indian spirit worship stuff in it. Ick.

I hope you all have a good day!

Just a thought,


Camden said...

Yay! Fourm back up! YAY!


I hear of the Ranger's apprentice a lot. I'm reading another series now, but is it a good book for future referance?

Jamin said...

Just keep plowing with that Bible reading. It gets SOOO frustrating sometimes when you read all the way through. I'm in Mathew right now, and the New Testament feels like a breath of fresh air.

Ian said...

That's why, I don't read the books in order - sometimes I'll just flip around, and then after I'm finished one book I read the next book that sort of catches my eye. It's a lot easier to read that way.


~Just*Flinn~ said...

Oh, I enjoy the Old Testament because it seems like a history book...and I love history!


The Ranger's Apprentice is good, but just note that there are a few minor (if you can call such things minor) swear words in them.

Zoe said...

I have always thought the New Testament more interesting.
I have read through the Bible once before, but I am reading through it again and am now in Proverbs.