Monday, March 3, 2008

Plight of the Famed

What do you see here? Three very familiar faces most likely. They've been on the cover of magazines. They've been on the big screen. They've been on national and international television. And every single one of them is lost.

Now, I suppose I shouldn't make assumptions. Perhaps in their youth one or two of them gave their lives to Christ and then left HIM behind for showbiz. But their actions certainly don't show signs of a God driven life. Orlando is a Bhuddist, and who knows what Depp and Lohan are, if anything.

It saddens me that people with such prestige and attention often don't use their status for good. They could be setting excellent examples for millions of young and old. But sadly, this doesn't happen often. If at all.

When we pray, I don't think we should forget those star-studded celebrities out there. I'm going to go out on a limb here and think big: Can you imagine a Hollywood where its goal was to bring honor and glory to God? So when you have the time, pray for the people out there who've made it big. If God could change the heart of Paul, HE can change their hearts too.
Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

I've thought about that sort of thing alot. It is so sad how some people have a lot of influance on the rest of the world, and yet they choose to do bad things with their lives. I guess they may not know how many people are watching and mimicking them! It is so sad! I have prayed for the fameous people a lot. Sometimes, my friends and I have discussed what we would be like if we were fameous. I wish that someone popular, with influance out there would do the right things, and set a good, Godly example for all the poeple who are constantly watching them. Who knows how many lives they could turn around...

just some thoughts,
great post Flinn. Sad though...


Ian said...

You know, at first, I had no idea who the people in the pictures were... just shows how much I am involved in that society :)

And I completely agree with what you said. I once made myself a promise that if somehow I ever became famous, I would use it to do all the good I could, though I know it would be really hard...and I hope that many more people take the challenge.


Anonymous said...

i've done that too. I almost sorta want to become famous just to show people that you don't have to do drugs, be an alchohalic or anything like that be "cool" or whatever. Fat chance I'll ever be well-known though. =)

When I first saw those pictures, the only one i recognized was the Orlendo Bloom, because I'd just watched the Curse of the Black Pearl. So Ian, you are the only one!


IdinaTook said...

I've thought lots on that! I have actually started a system with my friends. We are all writing letter by the bucket load to Skandar Keynes, not downing his beliefs, but sharing ours. I hope he reads them! We are most-likley going to start on Orlando Bloom next.

Araken said...

Indianatookofmithegard- Dude! You're writing to Skandar? I've wanted to meet him since 2005, but where'd you get his address? That's sooo cool!

Anonymous said...

who's Skandar? that's a good idea, Indianatookofmithegard! totally start on orlando bloom next!


~Just*Flinn~ said...

Skandar is the kid who played Edmund Pevensie in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

Araken: Here's the address...

Skandar Keynes
c/o Hamilton Hodell
5th Floor
66-68 Margaret Street
London, W1W 8SR

Araken said...

How'd you get that?!

Anonymous said...

ah, thanks Flinn!

Why are you writing to him, Indianatookofmithegard? (I like the name, by the way!)

two words for ya Araken.... Google search. =) I have no idea, actually! haha


Ian said...

Oooh...mail witnessing to celebrities! I like! Wish I could help with that, but I don't feel comfortable with communicating with someone I don't know...*sighs* I dunno.

But definitely keep it up!


~Just*Flinn~ said...

I found it on his fan site. I was hoping to find some news or pics for Prince Caspian and found that.
I like your idea Indina. Perhaps I'll join you?

Anonymous said...

I rather agree with Ian...