Thursday, March 6, 2008

Stab the Heart, Live Forever?

So how many of you here love Pirtates of the Caribbean? I certainly do. In fact, at one point in my life, I loved it so much it became a spiritual problem. Yipes! Let us not relive the past. Anyway, who here does not like how Pirates 3 ended? Once again I raise my hand. The whole quest to find a way to live forever. The heart and numerous betrayals. Backstabbing (or in some other cases heart stabbing :) ) was a recurring theme. And all for what? To be forced to sail the seas forever and ever only venturing on land once every 10 years.

There's one scene where Jack is talking to Davy Jones. The conversation is short and is as follows.

Jones: Jack Sparrow, do you fear death?

Sparrow: You have no idea.

Isn't that sad? The whole time in the theater (OK, this might sound silly, but it's true) I kept thinking: Jack! There's another way to life eternally! I wanted to reach into the screen, yank him out and explain to him that stabbing a heart wasn't going to give him a fulfilling life forever.

Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

Same here... I kept thinking stuff like that too. You aren't the only one.

I LOVE pirates of the Caribbean!! I'm not obsessed with it, but I really like it, and my brothers and I can quote almost word-for-word whole scenes from all three movies!


~Just*Flinn~ said...

Me too!

Would you like to play a game? I'll start a scene, and we'll go back and forth saying the lines. Ready?

"Right where I left you."

Anonymous said...


"Not where I left you..."

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Hurray! I've finally found a sailor on this rock crazy as me! Anyway...

Jack appears...

"You're the one they're hunting. The pirate."

Ian said...

I didn't catch on to what Jack was after until the second or third time I watched the movie...but then I started thinking all of that, just not as much.


P.S. "Walks over to tool"

saved monster said...

Yeah, I was thinking something along the same lines... :)
Except, I was thinking of all the people in this world secretly or openly terrified of death. It hurts my heart to know people think this way. Though, it might be worse that people can be scared of even life...hmm....

Anonymous said...

Yay! Another pirate-fan!

Jack: "You look familiar. Have I threatened you before?"

You're totally right, Saved Monster.


Camden said...

"It's a shilling to park your boat there, and I'll need your name."


Anonymous said...

Jack: "What do you say to three shillings, and we forget the name?"

"Welcome to Port Royal, Mr.Smith."

=) this is fun!

Anonymous said...

*Jack filches the guy's little bag of coins and saunters away*

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Hee hee! This is great.

Jack: "Cuttlefish."

Ian said...

Cuttlefish??? Not familiar with that scene...I haven't seen the first POC in a long time (too bad, cause it was the best one.)


~Just*Flinn~ said...

It's from #3. Jack is addressing the Brethren Court.

"Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends the cuttlefish."

Anonymous said...

Hey, I was just about to say that!

Ok, here's one for YOU!

"This ain't the armory!"

~Just*Flinn~ said...

"Well, well, well. Look what we got here, Twig. Captain Jack Sparrow."

Anonymous said...

Yay! A real Pirate fan!!
I started this Game with my friends on our blog. They aren't as Pirate-quote-crazy as us...

Ok, since you didn't give me one, here's another one for you (this is one of my favorite scenes):

"This dock is off limits to civilians."