Monday, February 25, 2008

Emergency Prayer Request

Boy, do I live the life of Aidan Thomas. Yesterday my grandfather was taken to the hospital because he passed out in his wheelchair for no apparent reason. Then, last night at three o'clock in the morning, my mom gets a call that he is now in ICU because his heart stopped. I believe this morning he is still on a ventilator. Please pray for him and my family.
My grandfather accepted Christ on one of his many bedridden hospital visits. So whatever happens, I know where he is going. And if the worse happens, it's OK, because he will be going to meet his King.


Camden said...

Sorry to hear it. You can be assured that I will be praying. Still, it is a very encouraging thought to know that all the time that we spend on this spinning mud-ball with people that are close to us is no time at all compared to how long we'll get to spend with them in eternity.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry Flinn! That must feel really bad. I will totally be praying for you!
That's good that your Grandpa is a Christian, so it can be some comfort that even if he leaves this earth, you will see him again, and be with him forEVER! I can't wait to see Jesus and my grandma again!


Sapphira Adi said...

I'm so sorry, Flinn! I will definitely be praying for him and your family. Remember, if he doesn't make it, he will be going to Jesus to a place where there is no more pain and no more sorrow. I'll be praying.

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Thanks, guys. :)

Araken said...

They're all correct. Remember, death is just a passageway to eternity. Thankfully, your grandpa will be with God in Heaven if the worst happens, though it will be a blessing in disguise. Will pray

Ian said...

I'm very glad to hear that your grandpa is a Christian, though I am sorry that he is in such a condition. I'll pray!

Death is something that excites me, terrifies me (in a very different way), and arouses my curiosity. We have no way of knowing exactly what it will be like, and all we can imagine is earthly things. But once we are out of our human bodies, we will have true freedom....and it will be very different from earth, I'm sure!

My grandpa is't a Christian, at least I don't think he is. (I know that he wasn't a few years ago.) I need to pray for him, too.

~Just*Flinn~ said...

I will pray for him too! My grandfather is still in ICU but I don't think anything bad has happened lately. My King be praised.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ian on the subject of death...

My dad's parents aren't Christians. It makes me feel scared for them. Please pray that they will come to know God.