Monday, February 4, 2008

Just a Thought

By now, many of us know that Peter Jackson will be doing "The Hobbit" movie. In what form or fashion, I'm not sure. But in 2009 production starts and in '10 the first of two installment will be released. So, here's my question: to subplot or not to subplot. That is the question. In your opinion, do you think an extra tidbit or two about Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli would help or hurt the film? Personally, I hope they put it in there, because to me, you can never go wrong with those three. We'd get to see more of the Ranger side of Aragorn, Gimli would fit right in in a movie with tons of Dwarves, and the more awesome stunts Legolas could pull off, the better. Not to mention they go to his home and meet his father. So, what do you think?

P.S.: I believe the picture was done by Wayne Thomas Batson.


IdinaTook said...

I really have no HUGE opinion, but I sorta don't want them to add those scenes. I think that when you make a movie out of a book you should make it just like that book. The author most-likely did not intend for somebody else to alter their story.

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Really? Hmmm...

Araken said...

I agree with the took. I think they should just stick with the book, though I wouldn't mind if Bilbo sees Legolas while in Mirkwood, nor would I mind seeing Aragorn in Rivendell. Now where would Gimli fit in? I wonder...

P.S. I got the link up to your blog on my blog. Sorry it took so long.

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Thanks for doing that! My favorite character is Legolas, and Aragorn is up there as well. That's why I want to see them up on the big screen again. But there has been some talk about Elijah Wood being young Frodo and I am against that. He wasn't even born at the time!

Araken said...

Amen! Cate Blanchett, aka Galadriel, wants to reprise her role. Guess she hasn't read the Hobbit, she never appears...

~Just*Flinn~ said...

She is part of the White Council, and that's probably why she's thinking that.

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Only 3 votes for a Blackwood Bow? Sad...;(. Tee hee!

saved monster said...

I think seeing Legolas in Mirkwood, or Aragon in a passing shot would be an awesome little tidbit.

I would not want extra scenes in there not from the book, unless they were done extremely well...which is a possibility. And look whose doing it. I imagine it will still agree with Middle Earth history--even if I am not nerdy enough to know all of it. tehehehehehehe...

Araken said...

Lotta strange tittering going on around here...