Friday, February 29, 2008

Random, Again

Hello Friends!

Well my grandfather is out of the main ICU unit. One doctor says he can go home tomorrow, another says next week. Who knows?

Happy Leap Day as Elliot said on his blog! (Jumps up and down)

Here's the vid of my sister and I singing at the talent show I posted about earlier. By the way, my sister is IndinaTookofMithegard. I was shaking and my knees were literally Nocking. (Sorry, I couldn't resist! LOL) Knocking. I'm the one with my hair half pulled back, and my sis is the one with it in her face! LOL She decided to hide I guess! She claims it was an accident. Hmm...

Hope you have a great day my fellow bloggers!


Camden said...

That was a beautiful song, and you can tell your sister that I think the two of you did a phenominal (sp?) job! And Flinn, I'm glad you stood up there and didn't Bolt! (sorry, I couldn't resist either!)


saved monster said...

lol Elliot, that's guys are crazy.

I began The Restorer.

Anonymous said...

That was great! You guys are good!! I agree with Elliot, you did phenominal! What was the talent show for?


~Just*Flinn~ said...

It's a Valentine's Day thing at our church. Love the Bolt comment! LOL