Saturday, February 23, 2008

More Random News

Well, more Hobbit news.

It seems someone else is now suing New Line for something. I forgot what. That might put The Hobbit back and delay it further. Argh.

In other news...I'm still on Chapter 8 of my story. Sigh.

My great grandfather passed away a couple weeks ago. I didn't really know him that much because he had alsheimer's for most of the time, but my grandmother is taking it hard. Pray for her if you will.

I have been reading in Numbers lately and was surprised at the great number of the army of Isreal even at this early state. I think it said something like there were 600,000 men able to fight. WOW! I have studied a lot about the Revolutionary War and to them 6,000 was a huge army. I can't imagine going up against a force of a little over half a million people.

On my new pole you can pick more than one I think. Have fun!

Just a thought,


Ian said...

I should read Numbers...somehow, though, I could never really get anything in that book to register in my mind. Maybe I will try again.

yes, 600.000 men is a huge army! Remember, God was with them, and I'm sure that had something to do with it (it's amazing to think that the same God who we serve and who protects us is the same One who did all those things in the Bible...)

Araken said...

Have you read that story in the Bible where Judah or Israel (i forget) went up against 1,000,000 Ethiopians? It's amazing...

saved monster said...

I know this sounds shallow, but know it is not.

I love God. He is so amazing. He knows exactly what He is doing. (sigh) I just wish it was easier to see. ")

Just a tiny thought.

Oh, and I will keep your great gmother in my prayers, flinn.

~Just*Flinn~ said...

No, araken I haven't! Where is it? I'd love to read it!